I had a slow day today and I wish I could say that I got more done. Its been so warm that I've been so drained and still feel that, even at 2am, that I haven't woken up properly.
But it's been pleasant. I was down by the river earlier, on my way home and was entertained to witness a raven chase off a hoard of ducks who had the audacity to nest on dry land. Those damn water birds! Coming and dominating dry land! It tickled me that a raven could be such an arse.
Other than that, I've been watching some Carolyn Emerick. Particularly a talk she recently did on Animism. She does curious talks about the history of paganism and paganism in the modern age.
I also managed to order a couple of new books and found myself getting quite emotional for past and lost moments while ordering them. I may cover it more as time goes on. But anyway, these should be quite curious books. Both are by Philip K Dick. I managed to get his The Divine Invasion (second in the Valis Trilogy, I have the others) and also his Exegesis which has been collected into one volume quite recently. Both were heavily influenced by some very strange and very personal events that happened To Philip K Dick in 1974. I have an urge to try and clitique them at some point, but it may be some time before I do so.
I did get some reading done today. There is a book I've been particularly enjoying since I started. It's called Brunt Boggart by David Greygoose. I know little about the author, but anyone who has reviews by Alan Moore, John Reppion, Kevin Crossley-Holland and Emily Portman must be good. It's a collection of interconnected folktales, written in a very narrate-able style. The common factor is that the tales lead a boy found in the woods on a journey to find his mother. I'm not far in but I can well imagine that these tales could be read in front of any mead hall audience of mixed members.
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A Tapestry of Tales: Brunt Boggart by David Greygoose |
Today, I found that a YouTube Channel called Madwitch that I follow is a big fan of books by Tylluan Penry of the Wolfenhowle Press and is a lover of her own YouTube channel as well. She makes some lovely and well researched books on numerous pagan and witchcraft topics.
Otherwise, I've been trying to help set up a Facebook group for small time Tarot Youtubers. If you are one, please visit.
I also mustn't forget that today saw Northworthy Sagas upload a new folktale for Folklore Thursday. I hope you enjoy it:
I haven't managed to do much in the way of writing up the first five Ogham Runes yet. I have an idea of how I will go about it. I have a feeling that could take a few days to do properly. I want to condense the information down properly so that I portray them properly and so that it can be part of a decent 'how to cast Ogham Runes' page that can be added to in stages. I would also need to give a brief history of the Ogham Runes as well. I wouldn't be doing them justice if I didn't put them in context. I'm really enjoying learning about them.
That is today's news. Not much, but things are progressing. I would like to leave you on a curious quote I found by WB Yeats which I found today:
"I believe in the practise and philosophy of what we have agreed to call magic, in what I must call the evocation of spirits, though I do not know what they are, in the power of creating magical illusions, in the visions of truth in the depths of the mind when the eyes are closed; and I believe in three doctrines, which have, as I think, been handed down from early times, and been the foundations of nearly all magical practises. These doctrines are: 1) That the borders of our minds are ever shifting, and that many minds can flow into one another, as it were, and create a single mind, a single energy. 2) That the borders of our memories are as shifting, and that our memories are a part of one great memory, the memory of Nature herself. 3) That this great mind and great memory can be evoked by symbols."
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WB Yeats |
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