This is a blog that concentrates on the influences and writing of two aspiring author friends called Thadeus Morticaine and Dan Coghlan. They have been friends for many years and found that they have a common interest in what they write, even though they write different things.

Thadeus Morticaine is working on a series of Folk horror stories, fantasy stories, some ghost stories and some sci-fi. He likes HP Lovecraft, Gareth L Powell, Robert Rankin and Kim Newman. He is also very much into his folktales and Celtic and Norse myths and legends.

Dan Coghlan is currently working on a Sword and Sorcery series about a Wood Elf Barbarian, and also a pulp fiction style series of Post-Apocalyptic stories. He likes Robert E Howard and Steve Dilks, as well as Lin Carter and Clarke Ashton Smith.

The Dark Garret twitter account can be found here at @GarretDark.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

 Hi everyone!

This is sort of one of the extra blog posts about other sundry stuff that has been happening recently that I think would be of interest to everyone, something that is writing, fantasy or sword and sorcery adjacent.

This is sort of a shout out to a friend who is a very talented artist, who's art has been used as a inspiration for many a fantasy story. He has a selection of colouring books out and also a portfolio of his work.

His name is Gilead.

For a bigger selection of his work than I can provide here, please take a look at his Instagram, his Twitter, his Amazon shop, and if you really like what you see, please take a look at his Patreon.

He has a selection of T-shirts, stickers and things available here on Redbubble, if you follow the link.

But mainly I wanted to share some of his artwork and to also plug the kickstarter for his next portfolio of work. If you click any of the pictures below, it should take you to his kickstarter. Please take a look and consider supporting a talented artist who has supported many a creative - myself included - so that his work can be enjoyed anon.

art, artist, fantasy, Gilead, sword and sorcery, tentacles, ziggurats, tentacles and ziggurats, sword and sorcery, kickstarter, swords and sorcery, swords and sorceries,
Tentacles and Ziggurats

art, artist, fantasy, Gilead, sword and sorcery, tentacles, ziggurats, tentacles and ziggurats, sword and sorcery, kickstarter, swords and sorcery, swords and sorceries,
Ned the Barbarian

art, artist, fantasy, Gilead, sword and sorcery, tentacles, ziggurats, tentacles and ziggurats, sword and sorcery, kickstarter, swords and sorcery, swords and sorceries,

art, artist, fantasy, Gilead, sword and sorcery, tentacles, ziggurats, tentacles and ziggurats, sword and sorcery, kickstarter, swords and sorcery, swords and sorceries,
Gilead's Dragonz Coloring Book

art, artist, fantasy, Gilead, sword and sorcery, tentacles, ziggurats, tentacles and ziggurats, sword and sorcery, kickstarter, swords and sorcery, swords and sorceries,
Gilead at work

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