This is a blog that concentrates on the influences and writing of two aspiring author friends called Thadeus Morticaine and Dan Coghlan. They have been friends for many years and found that they have a common interest in what they write, even though they write different things.

Thadeus Morticaine is working on a series of Folk horror stories, fantasy stories, some ghost stories and some sci-fi. He likes HP Lovecraft, Gareth L Powell, Robert Rankin and Kim Newman. He is also very much into his folktales and Celtic and Norse myths and legends.

Dan Coghlan is currently working on a Sword and Sorcery series about a Wood Elf Barbarian, and also a pulp fiction style series of Post-Apocalyptic stories. He likes Robert E Howard and Steve Dilks, as well as Lin Carter and Clarke Ashton Smith.

The Dark Garret twitter account can be found here at @GarretDark.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

 Hello everyone!

Well, to start off with, just to get things out of the way. As of writing this post, The Dreamstone TTRPG supplement by Oakbound Studio is into its last day on kickstarter, so I'd like to sort of encourage you to go and take a look. Which you can do so here.

I know that Oakbound Studios has worked really hard on it so please take a bit of a look.

rpg, ttrpg, cartoon, crusade, crusades, norman, norman conquest, conquest, norman invasion, invasion, isle of mann, harrying of the north, north, the north, harrying, lovecraftian, lovecraft, The Dreamstone, Oakbound Studios, rpg, ttrpg, kickstarter, kickstarter campaign, supplement , game, game supplement, The Dreamstone rpg, the dreamstone ttrpg, Magna Carta, Barons War, Barons' War, the barons war, the barons' war, baron's war, barons' war, barons war, king john, game, skirmish, skirmish game, wargame, wargaming, miniatures, 28mm, 28mm miniatures, 28mm miniature, warhammer, oldhammer, middlehammer, knight, knights, man at arms, man-at-arms, men at arms, men-at-arms, medieval, history, anglo, saxon, anglo saxon, anglo-saxon, welsh, footsore, writing, write, writer, author, short story, novella, novellas, shortstory, shortstories, stories, short story, short stories, Aston on Trent, Aston, Weston, Weston on Trent,
The Dreamstone RPG by Oakbound Studio

But onto other stuff. I managed to get a little bit of money in the meantime, since my last post, so I've been on a bit of a spending spree and have ordered a stack of books. Hopefully they'll be delivered on Tuesday. Hopefully.

Once they're delivered, I hope to do an unboxing post. A number of the books have been recommended to me by folks that can spot a good book a mile off. So, there's that.

I've also seriously been eyeing up a game called Baron's War, which is, unsurprisingly based on the Barons' War, where King John had continued to muck around after the signing of the Magna Carta to the point that there was a war. Then a couple of decades later, similar things happened. I've just been eyeing up their Welsh models and they look particularly splendid. But yes, this skirmish game has plenty of knights and kings and men-at-arms and the like.

rpg, ttrpg, cartoon, crusade, crusades, norman, norman conquest, conquest, norman invasion, invasion, isle of mann, harrying of the north, north, the north, harrying, lovecraftian, lovecraft, The Dreamstone, Oakbound Studios, rpg, ttrpg, kickstarter, kickstarter campaign, supplement , game, game supplement, The Dreamstone rpg, the dreamstone ttrpg, Magna Carta, Barons War, Barons' War, the barons war, the barons' war, baron's war, barons' war, barons war, king john, game, skirmish, skirmish game, wargame, wargaming, miniatures, 28mm, 28mm miniatures, 28mm miniature, warhammer, oldhammer, middlehammer, knight, knights, man at arms, man-at-arms, men at arms, men-at-arms, medieval, history, anglo, saxon, anglo saxon, anglo-saxon, welsh, footsore, writing, write, writer, author, short story, novella, novellas, shortstory, shortstories, stories, short story, short stories, Aston on Trent, Aston, Weston, Weston on Trent,
The Barons' War skirmish game,
by Footsore Miniatures

rpg, ttrpg, cartoon, crusade, crusades, norman, norman conquest, conquest, norman invasion, invasion, isle of mann, harrying of the north, north, the north, harrying, lovecraftian, lovecraft, The Dreamstone, Oakbound Studios, rpg, ttrpg, kickstarter, kickstarter campaign, supplement , game, game supplement, The Dreamstone rpg, the dreamstone ttrpg, Magna Carta, Barons War, Barons' War, the barons war, the barons' war, baron's war, barons' war, barons war, king john, game, skirmish, skirmish game, wargame, wargaming, miniatures, 28mm, 28mm miniatures, 28mm miniature, warhammer, oldhammer, middlehammer, knight, knights, man at arms, man-at-arms, men at arms, men-at-arms, medieval, history, anglo, saxon, anglo saxon, anglo-saxon, welsh, footsore, writing, write, writer, author, short story, novella, novellas, shortstory, shortstories, stories, short story, short stories, Aston on Trent, Aston, Weston, Weston on Trent,
Foot knights for The Barons' War skirmish game,
by Footsore Miniatures

But life has got in the way a little bit over this last week. There have been some ups and downs and a few distractions so, unfortunately, I've not managed to get to much writing done.

But much research has happened. Though I was hoping that the story I'm researching would be a break from another piece of writing, this seems to have developed into a potential project all in itself.

As you may have noticed with an earlier post, I've been researching late Anglo-Saxon history. I had initially thought that it would take a day or so to buff up on a few facts, but I've gone down a huge rabbit hole, realising quite how action packed it is. And that's without any full on invasions or crusades, which seemed popular in that period.

I tried cutting down on some of the research by thinking of basing the story in the village I grew up in, but realised that I'd made things hard for myself in the sense that, instead of the village having one lord to keep tabs on... there are three. And that's without several of them being deposed by the ruler for allying with his enemies. But that does mean that the character's past has a lot of backstabbing in his history. Which can be a fun thing.

and this was all for a story based on a Lovecraftian horror and the beginning of the Harrying of the North. Oh well. But needless to say, I think that's why I think this could be a series of stories.

I think I'm almost ready to actually start writing. Maybe this evening.

I didn't even get a chance to look up the history of The Isle of Mann.

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