This is a blog that concentrates on the influences and writing of two aspiring author friends called Thadeus Morticaine and Dan Coghlan. They have been friends for many years and found that they have a common interest in what they write, even though they write different things.

Thadeus Morticaine is working on a series of Folk horror stories, fantasy stories, some ghost stories and some sci-fi. He likes HP Lovecraft, Gareth L Powell, Robert Rankin and Kim Newman. He is also very much into his folktales and Celtic and Norse myths and legends.

Dan Coghlan is currently working on a Sword and Sorcery series about a Wood Elf Barbarian, and also a pulp fiction style series of Post-Apocalyptic stories. He likes Robert E Howard and Steve Dilks, as well as Lin Carter and Clarke Ashton Smith.

The Dark Garret twitter account can be found here at @GarretDark.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

 Hello everyone!

It's been one of those weeks, I'm afraid.

It terms of writing this week it just seems to have been one thing after another getting in the way and I'm found it really disappointing, if I'm honest. It mainly seems to have been little things, which makes it feel all the more disappointing and I don't fully want to go into it here. Partly it's because it just seems to have been little things that shouldn't be of note.

I'm generally annoyed by it all, saying that it's a period when I really wanted to have knuckled down and rattled through writing a fantasy novella.

This is still on the cards. I'm really hoping that things calm down and I can get back into a routine and catch up.

Onto other things. More positive things that will hopefully stop me dwelling on that.

I did manage to get a copy of Tales From The Magician's Skull 8. I have Tales From The Magician's Skull 9 on order too. I live in England and they seem to be available in a sporadic fashion since they managed to fulfill a successful Kickstarter. Its just been slightly irritating trying to get my hands on issues.

In Tales From The Magician's Skull 8, I've only finished a couple of the stories, but I'm impressed so far, the first was a debut story by a new author, and the second was by one of my favourites, James Enge, with a Ambrosius Morlock story, which was satisfying.

Once I've finished it, I intend to write a review of it.

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Tales from the magician's Skull 8
by Goodman Games

Saying that though, I realise that I haven't done a review of Tales From The Magician's Skull 7 yet, and I need to. I've now rather a large stack of books and magazines I need to properly finish and review now.

Onto a bit of wargaming, I managed to get another delivery from the marvelous Oakbound Studio! I got some reinforcements for my Pixie Badger-Rider warband for The Woods with a bag of badgers that they sell. I also managed to get one of their 6 Soul Sluagh models too, which is a sort of possessed treeman. I also got a werewolf Wulver model too!

And as it is still Faebruary, they offered a free elf too! Which is nice. If you'd like to take a look, follow this link to the website and try and take advantage of Faebruary.

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Badgers for The Woods
from Oakbound Studio

woad, woad elf, James Enge, morlock, morlock ambrosius, ambrosius, enge, james, writing, writer, bad week, author, fantasy, sword and sorcery, swords and sorcery, tales from the magician's skull, tales from the magicians skull, tales from the magicians skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magicians 9, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 9, magicians skull, magician's skull, tales, tale, story, stories, short stories, shortstory, shortstories, short story, novella, novellas, goodman games, pixie badger riders, pixie badger rider, badger, pixie, badger rider, badger riders, fantasy game, skirmish game, war game, wargaming, wargamer, warhammer, oldhammer, elves, elf, gwaeloch irisgarth, wood elf, wood elves, fantasy, fantasy wargame, fantasy wargames, warhammer fantasy, treeman, sluagh, werewolf, werewolves, kickstarter, writing, writer, writing community, author, authors, wri life, writing life, writer's life, blog, writing blog, celtic, celt, ask a mortician, youtube, mortician, ting anxiety, anxiety, writer
Wulver for The Woods,
from Oakbound Studio

woad, woad elf, James Enge, morlock, morlock ambrosius, ambrosius, enge, james, writing, writer, bad week, author, fantasy, sword and sorcery, swords and sorcery, tales from the magician's skull, tales from the magicians skull, tales from the magicians skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magicians 9, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 9, magicians skull, magician's skull, tales, tale, story, stories, short stories, shortstory, shortstories, short story, novella, novellas, goodman games, pixie badger riders, pixie badger rider, badger, pixie, badger rider, badger riders, fantasy game, skirmish game, war game, wargaming, wargamer, warhammer, oldhammer, elves, elf, gwaeloch irisgarth, wood elf, wood elves, fantasy, fantasy wargame, fantasy wargames, warhammer fantasy, treeman, sluagh, werewolf, werewolves, kickstarter, writing, writer, writing community, author, authors, wri life, writing life, writer's life, blog, writing blog, celtic, celt, ask a mortician, youtube, mortician, ting anxiety, anxiety, writer
Woad Elf for The Woods,
from Oakbound Studio.
Fits in with Oldhammer Wood Elves?

woad, woad elf, James Enge, morlock, morlock ambrosius, ambrosius, enge, james, writing, writer, bad week, author, fantasy, sword and sorcery, swords and sorcery, tales from the magician's skull, tales from the magicians skull, tales from the magicians skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magicians 9, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 9, magicians skull, magician's skull, tales, tale, story, stories, short stories, shortstory, shortstories, short story, novella, novellas, goodman games, pixie badger riders, pixie badger rider, badger, pixie, badger rider, badger riders, fantasy game, skirmish game, war game, wargaming, wargamer, warhammer, oldhammer, elves, elf, gwaeloch irisgarth, wood elf, wood elves, fantasy, fantasy wargame, fantasy wargames, warhammer fantasy, treeman, sluagh, werewolf, werewolves, kickstarter, writing, writer, writing community, author, authors, wri life, writing life, writer's life, blog, writing blog, celtic, celt, ask a mortician, youtube, mortician, ting anxiety, anxiety, writer
6 Soul Sluagh treeman for The Woods
Oakbound Studio
suitable for Oldhammer Wood Elves

woad, woad elf, James Enge, morlock, morlock ambrosius, ambrosius, enge, james, writing, writer, bad week, author, fantasy, sword and sorcery, swords and sorcery, tales from the magician's skull, tales from the magicians skull, tales from the magicians skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magicians 9, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 9, magicians skull, magician's skull, tales, tale, story, stories, short stories, shortstory, shortstories, short story, novella, novellas, goodman games, pixie badger riders, pixie badger rider, badger, pixie, badger rider, badger riders, fantasy game, skirmish game, war game, wargaming, wargamer, warhammer, oldhammer, elves, elf, gwaeloch irisgarth, wood elf, wood elves, fantasy, fantasy wargame, fantasy wargames, warhammer fantasy, treeman, sluagh, werewolf, werewolves, kickstarter, writing, writer, writing community, author, authors, wri life, writing life, writer's life, blog, writing blog, celtic, celt, ask a mortician, youtube, mortician, ting anxiety, anxiety, writer
Badger badger badger badger,
all the badgers!
For The Woods by Oakbound Studio

woad, woad elf, James Enge, morlock, morlock ambrosius, ambrosius, enge, james, writing, writer, bad week, author, fantasy, sword and sorcery, swords and sorcery, tales from the magician's skull, tales from the magicians skull, tales from the magicians skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magicians 9, tales from the magician's skull 8, tales from the magician's skull 9, magicians skull, magician's skull, tales, tale, story, stories, short stories, shortstory, shortstories, short story, novella, novellas, goodman games, pixie badger riders, pixie badger rider, badger, pixie, badger rider, badger riders, fantasy game, skirmish game, war game, wargaming, wargamer, warhammer, oldhammer, elves, elf, gwaeloch irisgarth, wood elf, wood elves, fantasy, fantasy wargame, fantasy wargames, warhammer fantasy, treeman, sluagh, werewolf, werewolves, kickstarter, writing, writer, writing community, author, authors, wri life, writing life, writer's life, blog, writing blog, celtic, celt, ask a mortician, youtube, mortician, ting anxiety, anxiety, writer
Giant 6 Soul Sluagh treeman
for The Woods by Oakbound Studio

And lastly, to end how I usually do, I've been tucking into a tasty mug of tea and I've also been listening to Ask A Mortician on youtube. What have you been listening too while you read this?

I'd just like to finish with wishing you all well. Hopefully next week will be more productive.

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