This is a blog that concentrates on the influences and writing of two aspiring author friends called Thadeus Morticaine and Dan Coghlan. They have been friends for many years and found that they have a common interest in what they write, even though they write different things.

Thadeus Morticaine is working on a series of Folk horror stories, fantasy stories, some ghost stories and some sci-fi. He likes HP Lovecraft, Gareth L Powell, Robert Rankin and Kim Newman. He is also very much into his folktales and Celtic and Norse myths and legends.

Dan Coghlan is currently working on a Sword and Sorcery series about a Wood Elf Barbarian, and also a pulp fiction style series of Post-Apocalyptic stories. He likes Robert E Howard and Steve Dilks, as well as Lin Carter and Clarke Ashton Smith.

The Dark Garret twitter account can be found here at @GarretDark.

Monday, March 21, 2022

 Hello everyone!

I realise that I missed a post last Monday and I apologise for that.

There have been a few changes around here, mostly in my sleep pattern. I think I put up on my twitter that it had thrown me off a bit, but I was still carrying on with the novella. Well, turns out that jet lag can be a bit of a pain in the bum and I've been on the verge of a migraine for most of the last week because of blood sugar levels. There have been a few other issues with family and with housing recently too, but I don't really want to get into that here. I think that is in hand now. Hopefully.

So where am I after attempting to start waking up eight hour early and doing the day shift mentality instead of the night shift?

Well, things are finally settling down and I can get my head around the novella again. I had got some stuff sorted in the meantime with it, but I think I'm going to have to go back and re-write parts of it. I think there'll be a prison break with magic, instead of a tentative alliance with evil satyrs. But I'll hopefully soon get back into the swing of my fantasy novella. The elf barbarian and wizard apprentice will be back to storming an ancient elvish necropolis soon.

But in other news, a kickstarter I backed last summer is now being shipped, so I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride to arrive from America. I know some copies have already arrived. It should be excellent. And I managed to get both the 5e and the DCC version, so I'm quite excited.

Rackham Vale, OSE, Old School Essentials, Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride, DCC, 5e, DnD, Dungeons and Dragons, D and D, TTRPG, RPG, roleplay game, writing, fantasy, elf, barbarian, mummy, jungle, novella, sword and sorcery, fantasy, news,
Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride

Also, something else I'm quite excited about is the another kickstarter finished and soon, I should get my copy of Rackham Vale: Paint Box Edition. It does look lovely and I know the company that made it has worked hard on it.

Rackham Vale, OSE, Old School Essentials, Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride, DCC, 5e, DnD, Dungeons and Dragons, D and D, TTRPG, RPG, roleplay game, writing, fantasy, elf, barbarian, mummy, jungle, novella, sword and sorcery, fantasy, news,
Rackham Vale

If folks would be interested, I could do some things involving these and other roleplay game books to, and possibly some wargames too, just to mix things up a bit. But primarily, this is a writing blog. But on another note as well, I have been talking with a friend about us starting up a wargaming and roleplaying Youtube channel. We just haven't gotten our acts together with that yet.

Anyway, that's about it for this week. Hopefully I'll have more writing related stuff for everyone next week.

See you all soon!

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