This is a blog that concentrates on the influences and writing of two aspiring author friends called Thadeus Morticaine and Dan Coghlan. They have been friends for many years and found that they have a common interest in what they write, even though they write different things.

Thadeus Morticaine is working on a series of Folk horror stories, fantasy stories, some ghost stories and some sci-fi. He likes HP Lovecraft, Gareth L Powell, Robert Rankin and Kim Newman. He is also very much into his folktales and Celtic and Norse myths and legends.

Dan Coghlan is currently working on a Sword and Sorcery series about a Wood Elf Barbarian, and also a pulp fiction style series of Post-Apocalyptic stories. He likes Robert E Howard and Steve Dilks, as well as Lin Carter and Clarke Ashton Smith.

The Dark Garret twitter account can be found here at @GarretDark.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

 Hello everyone!

Yes, its been a bit of a slow writing week so far. I think I even missed one of these blog posts last week.

There are a couple of reasons for that, well... one big one. That has been to do with perhaps still having the bad stomach from a couple of weeks ago, and also, for quite a while, I've been trying to organise seeing a doctor for several ailments that have developed since I last saw a doctor in 2018.

Its been a long, convoluted journey that's taken two months so far and I've still not actually seen one. In fact, I've not even managed to speak to one yet.

On the other hand, I have been booked into have blood tests, which have taken more than a fortnight to organise from the appointment's request to actually having it. That has been a bit of an adventure in itself.  I'm due to have that on Wednesday.

Its taken so long because of restrictions due to the 'good old plague' that we've been going through. I can understand, but it just feels like it takes so very long to get stuff done.

So far, that whole thing just feels like its bogged me down quite a lot and I haven't managed to get much done in the way of writing at all.

On other news, after some more of a kerfuffle because Hermes was being Hermes and being particularly difficult, I managed to get my Blood Bowl box set through the post, or rather, I had to claim a refund and order a replacement copy. I wonder if the couriers are still withholding the old box from the seller? wretched couriers.

blood bowl, youtube, dwarf, gwaeloch irisgarth, fantasy, sword and sorcery, short story, story, novella, novellas, short stories, story, stories, elf, barbarian, wizard, covers, first draft, WIP, series,
Blood Bowl Second Season Boxset

I'm enjoying reading the rules and there's a fairly big dose of nostalgia about it from my childhood and also, I've a couple of friends interested in the teams, while I play with the dwarves from previous posts. There are even talks about starting a wargaming YouTube channel eventually. I'm not sure when. There are other things to consider.

But onto writing, I have been still planning a few stories. There are two short stories and a novella that I've be concentrating on to get down in first draft form. They'll be the Gwaeloch Irisgarth fantasy stories, like the others and once they are done, I'll work my way through editing the short stories and novellas and get them out there.

I'd been asked about my intentions with them - by someone who seems particularly forgetful - but they do seem genuinely curious, if quite irritating. They were also asking about covers, which is something that shouldn't be though about just yet.

Anyway, I'm hoping that once the blood tests are done with, things with the doctor should feel like they're progressing and I can soon start fully concentrating on things again.

Al the best to each and every one of you. Farewell.

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